
Karl Waller (1892-1963)

The International Sachsensymposion was founded in 1949 thanks to an initiative by Karl Waller (1892-1963), who was then in charge of the office for the protection of prehistoric monuments in the urban area of Cuxhaven.

On October 18th of that year he sent the following invitation to 14 scholars: “Im Auftrag der Stadt Cuxhaven erlaube ich mir, Sie zu einer zwangslosen Diskussion über schwebende Probleme in der Altsachsenforschung zur Gewinnung einer bestmöglichsten Forschungsgrundlage in der Zeit vom 21. bis 23. November d. Jrs. ergebenst einzuladen (On behalf of the City of Cuxhaven, I take pleasure in inviting you to participate in an informal discussion of the unresolved problems encountered in the study of the ancient Saxons. The aim is to find the best possible basis for future research. The meeting will take place November 21st to 23rd next).”

Dr. Hans-Jürgen Häßler (1939-2011) reviewed the history of the ‘Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Sachsenforschung’ (Study Group for Saxon Research) that was created at this meeting – today’s Internationales Sachsensymposion – at the 50th Sachsensymposion, held at Bad Bederkesa in September 1999.




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