The series “Neue Studien zur Sachsenforschung” is published by Braunschweigisches Landesmuseum (BLM) and the Internationales Sachsensymposion. Volumes 1-5 were published together with the Niedersächsisches Landesmuseum Hannover (NLMH).
The series is properly peer-reviewed (double-blind review). The BLM thus follows the tradition of editing publications on protohistoric research in northwestern Europe, which was established by Hans-Jürgen Häßler (NLMH, Chairman of the Sachsensymposion 1996-2002) with the publication of the series “Studien zur Sachsenforschung”, which he continued to edit in close cooperation with members of the Internationales Sachsensymposion until 2004.
For orders please contact the Braunschweigische Landesmuseum: